This little poem was written late one night while I was on exchange study in Denmark during my final year. In addition to contemplating whether and why I should study further after that, I had lots of deadlines and very little time. That's generally when creativity strikes.
Academics, like fine liquor
Stay corked in their bureaux
To mellow and mull over and mature
And be alone.
Hauled out on prestigious occasions,
With dust on their shoulders,
To yawn and idle through convention small talk
And to darkness and silence,
Finally cough and splutter profound theories of the world
Hoping for the sounds of dignified clapping...
But the notes hardly vary in a single vintage
And there is only so much in one bottle.
Stay corked in their bureaux
To mellow and mull over and mature
And be alone.
Hauled out on prestigious occasions,
With dust on their shoulders,
To yawn and idle through convention small talk
And to darkness and silence,
Finally cough and splutter profound theories of the world
Hoping for the sounds of dignified clapping...
But the notes hardly vary in a single vintage
And there is only so much in one bottle.